
518 Articles

Wall Street Journal Shames Itself with Health Policy Coverage

The Wall Street Journal’s Op/Ed page has always been very conservative, but…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Medical Child Abuse: Making Sense of the Boston Globe Stories on Children’s Hospital

The Boston Globe caused quite a stir with its two-part story on…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Despite Botched ObamaCare Rollout, Public Still Trusts Democrats on Healthcare

The AP is running a story purporting to show a “potentially bigger problem…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Bone Marrow Donation and Compensation: My Moral Dilemma

It’s a criminal offense to pay a person to donate an organ.…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

More From the Nursing Shortage Myth Annals

Good news or bad news? Good news or bad news?FierceHealthcare has a…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

The Big Free-Market Impact of the Affordable Care Act

The messed-up launch of the federal health insurance marketplace website is getting…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Doctor’s Office of the Future Meets Office of the Past

I went to an appointment today with a doctor in a high-paying…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

The Absolute Case for Relative Value Units

Fee-for-service methodologies, especially relative-value units (RVUs), keep creeping back into alternative payment…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Will Work for Dental Care: Not a Bad Idea

There’s a big gap in coverage for dental care. It’s not considered…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams