Colleen Young

33 Articles

As the “ePatient movement” gains its voice, I hear a quiet echo…

By Christina Lizaso (@btrfly12) As the e-patient movement gains steam, I keep hearing…

Colleen Young

Engaging the Public about the Campaign ‘Choosing Wisely Canada’

By Karen Born (@bornk @ChooseWiselyCA) By Karen Born (@bornk @ChooseWiselyCA)Karen BornAs much…

Colleen Young

What is “Arts and Health?”

By: Kira Tozer (@kiratozer) for Arts Health Network Canada (@artshealthca)Kira Tozer By:…

Colleen Young

Testing a new data model to support evidence-informed decision making

By Simon Hagens, Director of Benefits Realization (@infoway)Simon Hagens By Simon Hagens, Director of Benefits…

Colleen Young

Colleen Young x 2 = #hcsmca: Maths and Health

By @ColleenYoung and @colleen_young By @ColleenYoung and @colleen_young @colleen_young@colleen_young: On Twitter a…

Colleen Young

What is the role of Government and Industry Leaders in Patient Communication and the Patient Experience?

By Shirley Williams (@williampearl)Shirley Williams By Shirley Williams (@williampearl)Shirley WilliamsRecently, I was…

Colleen Young

Presenting at Stanford Medicine X

I’m excited to be returning to Stanford Medicine X (Sept. 25-27) this…

Colleen Young

Telehealth and Virtual Care: The Next Wave!

By Mark Casselman (@markcasselman) CEO, COACH: Canada’s Health Informatics Association By Mark…

Colleen Young

Federal Election 2015: A Vote for Health?

Almost simultaneously, yet separately, Joelle and Aurelia asked if I thought #hcsmca…

Colleen Young

Does Social Media Influence Rx Habits and Choices?

September 2015, #hcsmca turns 5 year old. Hosting over 230 chats, we’ve covered a…

Colleen Young