Caroline Popper

26 Articles

A 30,000 foot View of Digital Healthcare, With Both Feet Planted on the Ground

The flight had leveled out when the cabin announcement called for a…

Caroline Popper

What is a Healthcare Innovation Really Worth?

Healthcare, even for the insured, can wreak extremely high financial costs for…

Caroline Popper

Consumers to Battle the Healthcare Gods

There’s a joke that’s often shared by medical students: “What’s the difference…

Caroline Popper

Passage to China: My View of an Evolving Healthcare System

After attending the 2012 AusMedTech (Australia Medical Technology) national conference in Sydney,…

Caroline Popper

Four Health Innovation Drivers

In a previous blog post reporting in after the 2012 AusMedTech (Australia Medical Technology) conference, we…

Caroline Popper

Can We Manage a Democratized Healthcare Technology?

We've discussed previously how medical societies, healthcare practitioners and life science product developers are…

Caroline Popper

Marketing 101 Revived: A New Healthcare Consumer Report

In my previous post, I discussed the need for healthcare companies to…

Caroline Popper

Does the Healthcare Industry Need to Revisit ‘Marketing 101’?

Healthcare practitioners and technology developers alike are experiencing new pressures to either…

Caroline Popper

Consumer Genomic Testing Challenges Physicians to Stay Within the Guidelines

Practice guidelines help physicians and other health care providers deliver consistent and…

Caroline Popper

In the Battle of Doctor’s Orders Versus Patient Power, the Patient is Winning

Today, patients are no longer patients in the traditional sense; they are…

Caroline Popper