In These 10 States, Cost-of-Living and Cost-of-Care Are Dramatically Different
It’s widely known that it costs a lot more to live in…
Wonder What Would Happen If A Hospital Near You Closed? Read This.
In many communities around the country, hospitals are one of–if not the–largest…
Iowa’s in the National News Right Now, and It’s for a Reason You Wouldn’t Expect
Sure, the Presidential Election is only about 18 months away, but the…
Taxing Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance?
Well, we’ve come to the end. This is the final post in…
Seeing Through the Patient CARE Act: Why Transparency Won’t Fix Our System
The Burr-Hatch-Upton proposal known as the Patient CARE Act would like us…
Medical Malpractice Reform Just Won’t Go Away
We’re continuing along in our section-by-section analysis of the Burr-Hatch-Upton Proposal to…
A Medicaid Block Grant by Any Other Name Would Stink
The Burr-Hatch-Upton proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) calls for…
Health Wonk Review: Spring Forward Edition
This has been a record-setting winter, and not in a good way…
Consumer-Directed Tax Shelters
Many readers will be familiar with–and in fact may even have–health savings…
Giving Power to the States, But at Whose Expense?
Like any good conservative proposal, the Burr-Hatch-Upton plan to replace the ACA…