Bill Crounse

92 Articles

Why Accessible Technology Matters…to All of Us

What does the word accessible mean to you? You may first think of the…

Bill Crounse

Dermatology Smartphone Apps No Substitute for Doctor’s Visit

I’m compelled to use this pla I’m compelled to use this platform…

Bill Crounse

Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care at the Mayo Clinic

Although I have been to the Minneapolis area many times over the…

Bill Crounse

Business Intelligence and Health Analytics for the Rest of Us

Business intelligence and clinical analytics (especially pred Business intelligence and clinical analytics…

Bill Crounse

Opportunity Knocks for Healthcare Delivery: Who Will Answer the Door?

As the US economy improves and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) begins…

Bill Crounse

Medicare? I’m Sorry, the Doctor Won’t See You Now

Although I’m still working and not yet at an age when Medicare…

Bill Crounse

Entering a New Era for Clinical Computing and Patient Engagement

I distinctly remember the day everything changed. I entered one of my…

Bill Crounse

Good Communication is Crucial to Physician and Patient Satisfaction

It’s no surprise that good communication with clinical staff is a significant…

Bill Crounse

There’s More to HealthCare Than Doctors and Hospitals

When someone says the word “healthcare” what immediately comes to mind? If…

Bill Crounse

Improving Patient Experience with Communication Information Technologies

Around the world, hospitals are changing the way they do business. While…

Bill Crounse