Bill Crounse

92 Articles

Playing for Better Health with BioGaming

Have you ever hurt Have you ever hurt your back, had a…

Bill Crounse

Playing for Better Health with BioGaming

Have you ever hurt Have you ever hurt your back, had a…

Bill Crounse

Disrupting and Destructing Healthcare

From childhood most of us remember the sage parental advice on how…

Bill Crounse

Wearable Computers, Biosensors and Sanity

Announcing the Life Force 3000 Smartwatch—the fashion accessory that continuously monitors health status…

Bill Crounse

Still Missing: Price Transparency in Healthcare

A few weeks ago, I saw my primary care provider for a…

Bill Crounse

Did You Miss the Bus at HIMSS 2014?

No, I don’t mean literally did you miss the bus. No, I…

Bill Crounse

My HIMSS Prescription for Basic Survival and Optimal Enjoyment

So the big meeting (in Orlando this year) is just around the…

Bill Crounse

Reimagining the Electronic Medical Record

The electronic medical record is here to stay. It would be foolish…

Bill Crounse