Bill Crounse

92 Articles

There’s No Business Like the Healthcare Business

Irving Berlin, eat your heart out. Irving Berlin, eat your heart out.…

Bill Crounse

Why 1 + 1 = 10 for Physicians and Information Technologists

An article in Becker’s Hospital Review caught my attention this morning, not specifically because…

Bill Crounse

Medical Mistakes: To Err Is Human – Yes and No?

I must admit that I’ve been feeling a bit depressed about the…

Bill Crounse

Electronic Health Record Solutions Don’t Make Errors: People Do

HealthITNews reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expressing increased…

Bill Crounse

Is the Hospital of the Future Not a Hospital at All?

A few years back I wrote a widely read piece on Hea…

Bill Crounse

5 Trends for FY15 Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare Delivery

Happy 4th of July! Or perhaps I should say, Happy New Year.…

Bill Crounse

Henry Ford Health System Stakes Its Future on Health Innovation

Henry Ford was perhaps one of the greatest innovators of his day.…

Bill Crounse

How to Manage the Internet of Things and Those of Your Patients

If you’ve been paying attention, it would be hard to escape the…

Bill Crounse

Why You Should Care About Your Personal Health Record and Access to Your Data

I know, yawn, another IT pundit writing about perso I know, yawn,…

Bill Crounse

Doctors and Nurses in a Twit about Technology Destroying Healthcare

Every workday morning I spend 30 minutes or so reviewing my Twitter feed. By…

Bill Crounse