Bill Crounse

92 Articles

Singapore Scores a 10 in Health and Healthcare

In the same week that my company introduced Windows “10” to the world, I was contemplating…

Bill Crounse

Veterans and mHealth: A Sensible Patient Engagement Strategy

The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been taking it on the chin of…

Bill Crounse

Interoperability of Electronic Health Data: Is It Time to Herd Unicorns in a New Direction?

While most of the Information Technology world was focused on Apple this…

Bill Crounse

Lessons on Healthcare and Risks from the Passing of Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers made us laugh. Joan Rivers made us cry. At times,…

Bill Crounse

3 Possible Scenarios for IT’s Role in Health and Healthcare

Microsoft recently released a blog post on the company’s Security Blog that details three possible scenarios…

Bill Crounse

Medical Image Archiving in the Cloud? Consider the 4 S’s

One of the most compelling arguments for storing digital data in the…

Bill Crounse

The Second Wave of Healthcare Informatics

As I noted in last week’s post, I’ve recently returned from a…

Bill Crounse

Better Health IT: Is Sending Docs to Tech School the Answer?

An article in Information Week caught my eye recently. It reviews a new program…

Bill Crounse

What Healthcare Could Learn from a Technology Company

Healthcare is very different from most other industries. It is fragmented, conservative,…

Bill Crounse

A “Takeover” of Healthcare…Really?

I try very hard not to come off too much as a…

Bill Crounse