
329 Articles

FDA Regulation Of Stem cell Medicine

Since stem cell research and development is moving so fast, this article…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Bed Bugs Found Carrying Drug-Resistant MRSA

The study information was released and performed in Canada but now we…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

FDA Asks Manufacturers of Hip Replacements To Study Failure Rates

The point of the study is to find out how fast and…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

More Clinical Research Trials Moving to China

So many still think that doctors are highly paid positions and that’s…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

MakoPlasty Robotic Surgical Procedure for Knee Replacements

I first wrote about the MakoPlasty FDA approved robot back in 2008…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Thought Controlled Car–Brain Drive Has Arrived

This could be scary for me as I might end up in…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Poll Shows 1.6 Million in Australia Would Drop Private Health/Hospital Coverage for Rebates

Unlike the US, the citizens in Australia have their basic government plant…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Ohio University Receives Record Gift of $105 Million To Train More Primary Care Doctors

The primary goal is to keep the education effort alive for primary…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

FDA Approves Diabetes Pill

The drug as approved can be used as a stand alone or…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Federal Appeals Judge Rules Stem Cell Research Funding Can Proceed

The law pertains to the federal government being able to fund stem…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck