
329 Articles

Physician Salaries Represent 8% of Total US Healthcare Cost

When it comes to the high costs of physicians in healthcare, having…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

How to Track Cell Phone Radiation

There’s a cell phone radiation gauge that can be used on cell…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Brazilian Blowout Goes Beyond FDA to Capitol Hill

The big issue with the hair straightening product is the formaldehyde exposure…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Health Insurance HMO Prices in New York City Non-Affordable for Many

The number of HMOs serving New York City has also dropped from…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Artificial Retina Approved for Sale in Europe

This is some really amazing technology from Second Sight and there are…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Life Technologies Launches New Sequencing Analysis Software For The Cloud

We all talk about the future of the cloud and there’s no…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Device Separates Stem Cells During Surgery for PAD Treatment

This is happening in Arizona and also back in August of 2010…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Bayer’s New Twist on Aspirin–Fast Acting Advanced Formula

If you are not getting fast enough relief, here’s a chance to…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

FDA Approves Hepatitis C Drug Incivek from Vertex

There’s a lot of focus on Hepatitis C of late and it…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Tornado Hits Joplin, Missouri and Destroys St. John’s Hospital

This is horrible and the most recent reports state that 24 are…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck