Anthony Cirillo

227 Articles

1 in 7 Alzheimer’s Cases Could Be Prevented with Exercise

A team of researchers from the Ontario Brain Institute reviewed 871 research…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Even with Weight Gain, Quitting Smoking Still Better for Your Health

Among adults without diabetes, quitting smoking, compared with continuing smoking, was associated…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Telemedicine Saves Travel and Time for Patients with Parkinson Disease

   Wonder if Michael use telemedicine?A randomized clinical trial of 20 patients…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Many Colonoscopies for Older Adults May be Inappropriate

A study by Kristin M. Sheffield, Ph.D., and colleagues of the University…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Planning to Retire Later? You’re Not Alone

The Insured Retirement Institute conducted research that found 64.4% of Baby Boomers…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Most Expensive Nursing Homes on the East Coast

According to's searchable online database the most expensive nursing home care…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Medical Tests or Procedures That May Be Unnecessary

The "Choosing Wisely" campaign routinely releases information on tests that they find…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Nursing Homes in Maine Are Best in Nation

Recently U.S. News & World Report released its fifth annual list of…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Medication Management Tips

Every year, one in three adults aged 65+ has one or more…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Alzheimer’s Rate to Triple by 2050

As the population of the United States ages, the number of seniors…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo