Andy Salmen

91 Articles

Insurance Verification and Pre-certification: Two Separate Issues

Over the past several years, orthopedic revenue cycle management has been impacted by…

Andy Salmen

Risks and Benefits of Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management Functions

As the healthcare industry continues to grow in terms of capacity and complexity, there…

Andy Salmen

The Benefits of Lean Processes in Radiology Practice Management

The increasing competition in private practices puts a significant burden on your…

Andy Salmen

Impact of Payer Mix Shift on Orthopedic Practice Payments

In order to maintain a healthy revenue stream, it is key that your practice…

Andy Salmen

OIG Looking at Mis-Coding of E and M Claims

A recently released study from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of…

Andy Salmen

The Importance of Time in Orthopedic Patient Payment Collections

When it comes to collecting payments for orthopedic services rendered, time is…

Andy Salmen

Why Are My Receipts Down?

A healthy revenue stream is the lifeblood of any healthcare practice, but…

Andy Salmen

Unbundling the Bundled Payment Program

The Bundled Payments for Care Improvements (BPCI) initiative of the Centers for…

Andy Salmen

Payor Contract Compliance and Tracking Reimbursements: Are You Being Paid Correctly?

If you are a practicing physician in this market, you may wonder…

Andy Salmen

Revenue Cycle Management in Healthcare: Managing Insurance Denials

Eliminating claim denials is a crucial aspect to revenue cycle management.  Successful…

Andy Salmen