Andrew Schorr

139 Articles

New Hybrid Imaging Technology (VIDEO)

New Hybrid Imaging Technology from Patient Power® on Vimeo. New Hybrid Imaging…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Diagnosed with Leukemia? Are You Sure?

The headlines each day bring more good news about progress in treating…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Back to School: An Ongoing Need for Patients

It’s tough to be a cancer patient today. Not just because you…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Why New Standards Are Needed for Faster Cancer Drug Approvals

Several years ago I attended an FDA Oncology Drug Advisory Committee (ODAC)…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Are New “Quality of Life Drugs” Worth the Expense?

Very recently a review committee in the U.K. made a preliminary recommendation…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Website Helps You Prepare for End-of-Life

Chanel Reynolds was financially unprepared when her husband, Jose Hernando, was killed…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

A Parent’s Anguish, Ovarian Tumor at Age 10

I have become very involved in my son’s school here in Barcelona…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Why “Big Data” is Bigger than Lance

How many stories have you read or seen lately about Lance Armstrong?…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

A Triumph Over Illness

Kara, her mom and me Kara, her mom and meWhen someone is…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

New Oral Blood Cancer Treatments Bring True Excitement in CLL and CML

Is chemo dead? Maybe not yet, but in some diseases it is…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr