Andrew Schorr

140 Articles

Act on Oncology [VIDEO]

Act on Oncology from Patient Power on Vimeo. Act on Oncology from…

Andrew Schorr

Andrew Schorr Reporting from EHA 2014

In this new video, I am reporting from Milan at EHA 2014.…

Andrew Schorr

Anxiety of Hope? Drinking from the “Fire Hose” of Cancer News

Patient Power Host Carol Preston interviewing myeloma expert Dr. Tom Martin at…

Andrew Schorr

The Gap Between Powerful Patients and the Organizations that Should Support Them

Patients meeting one another at an in-person event produced by Patient Power…

Andrew Schorr

How Suffering May Change You for the Better

I was reading an opinion piece by David Brooks in today’s New…

Andrew Schorr

On the Road Again for Cancer Connections

Over the next couple of weeks I will be traveling thousands of…

Andrew Schorr

The Age of “Patient Opinion Leaders”

I am writing this from a conference of pharmaceutical executives meeting in…

Andrew Schorr

ESPN’s Stuart Scott: Kickboxing Cancer

I have always admired ESPN sports anchor Stuart Scott, 48, of West…

Andrew Schorr

The Unfolding Story in Advanced Prostate Cancer

I have written here many times of my excitement about progress in treating blood-related…

Andrew Schorr

An Open Letter to Tom Brokaw About Cancer

Dear Tom (I am calling you that instead of “Mr. Brokaw” because,…

Andrew Schorr