Abby Norman

My name is Abby Norman and I am a healthcare blogger. With over 10 years of experience in the medical field, I have developed a passion for helping others understand the complexities of healthcare.
221 Articles

The Anatomy of a Denied Claim

Denied claims cost healthcare organizations a lot of money each year. Often…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Types of Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Four AccreditationsIn the realm of specialty pharmacy, there are four main…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

What Specialty Pharmacies Can Teach the Healthcare Industry

Patient Satisfaction: Behind the BuzzwordPatient satisfaction seems to be a major buzzword…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Using Data to Improve Patient Satisfaction Scores

Moving Toward Higher Patient Satisfaction ScoresAs healthcare becomes more and more a quality…

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Addressing Medicare Cuts

Yesterday, the house made a fascinating bipartisan decision to repeal the current…

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Strategies for Payer Negotiation

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear…

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Top 5 Facts About CPPA Accreditation

The changes to the healthcare model in the US necessitates a change…

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How to Recover from a HIPAA Breach

If you find yourself in the midst of a HIPAA breach, your…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

The Real Cost of Specialty Pharmacy

The Buzz About Specialty PharmacyIf you’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

The Real Cost of Data Breaches

Industry Spends Over $6B Annually on Data BreachesIn the wake of the…

Abby Norman Abby Norman