Andre Blackman is an influential and connected agent of change/innovation within the health care community. He is very passionate about the intersection of media, technology and useful innovative concepts as it relates to the improvement of population and systemic health.
Andre Blackman is an influential and connected agent of change/innovation within the health care community. He is very passionate about the intersection of media, technology and useful innovative concepts as it relates to the improvement of population and systemic health.
Through his consulting firm, Pulse + Signal, Andre aims to empower a new generation of health innovators through digital branding and strategic digital PR/communications. He has been involved in traditional and digital campaigns for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) focused on areas such as disease informatics, HIV/AIDS and diabetes. He is passionate about equipping high impact health
professional clients for the next phase of innovation through focused branding and digital technology education.
Andre also serves on the following advisory boards: CDC’s National Health Communications, Marketing and Media Conference; Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media; IntraHealth International OPEN; SXSW Interactive Conference Advisory Board and is the co-founder of the FastForward Health Film Festival – an event dedicated to highlighting the stories of forward thinking in health initiatives around the world.
Andre’s Initiatives
Pulse and Signal (website)
- Pulse and Signal Facebook page
Sustain or Die Manifesto (#SustainOrDie)
Health Refactored (HxRefactored) conference in Brooklyn, May 2014
Programs mentioned by Andre
Mayo Clinic Social Media Network
Mayo Clinic: Bringing the Social Media Revolution to Healthcare <Affiliate link>