Daniel with his friends
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about my Seattle friend, Daniel Mulhaney, who is slowly fading away with the terrible illness ALS. As you probably have heard, the ALS Foundation had a public relations coup when they got thousands of people worldwide, including many business, government, and entertainment celebrities, to take the “Ice Bucket Challenge” and raise awareness and/or contribute money for research. Many millions were raised, more than ever before.
Daniel did his own private fundraising in the Seattle area and with friends worldwide for support of “Team Daniel Lives” and a charity walk that was held a few days ago. I am happy to report it was a huge success, and the team raised over $27,000. Esther and I were happy to contribute and enlist our family and friends to help.
Daniel, a once vibrant IT professional, is down with the disease but surely not out. He can no longer talk, except through a text-to-speech device. He cannot use his right hand (he is right handed), and he is fed through a feeding tube in his stomach. I haven’t seen him in a couple of months. It is now possible walking is difficult. But all that and nothing has killed Daniel’s positive human spirit. He is an inspiration.
As Daniel said in an email to all of us the other day in expressing his delight at the fundraising success and show of support, “My heart and soul are singing and at peace.”
Here are some photos that Daniel included in his message. Esther and I were sorry we couldn’t walk with them in person. But these days in our world of global instantaneous communication, isn’t it great that we can not only keep in touch, but also support each other emotionally and financially as we fight serious illness?
I welcome your comments.
Wishing you and your family the best of health!