A Guide to Securing Your Long-Term Health After a Car Accident

5 Min Read

Car accidents happen all the time, but what’s more difficult is the overall struggle that victims of crashes have to go through. In more severe cases, people can face a lifetime of suffering as a result of expensive medical bills and lost job opportunities.

Your physical and emotional well-being may recover fully after an accident. The quality of your life will go through an extended period of disruption. Fortunately, a full recovery is likely so long as you go through the right steps and understand the legal options available at your feet. Here’s a guide to help you improve your quality of life no matter how severe the accident you were involved in:

1. Document every detail

Your best weapon for securing your future is the amount and quality of evidence you’ve gathered from the scene. With the help of a car accident lawyer, you should be able to collect documentary evidence that includes photos of the accident before the arrival of emergency services. 

It’s also important to record eyewitness testimonies from pedestrians and motorists present at the site of the accident. Be sure to talk with the at-fault party as well and exchange insurance information. Repair receipts, medical bills, and surveillance footage from nearby establishments can also substantiate your claims, leading to a larger compensation.

2. Start the claims process right away

No matter how severe the injuries you sustained are, it’s always best to file a car accident claim immediately. In the United States, a time limit is set on the filing of car accident claims, so it’s important to know how much time you still have before you unknowingly waive your legal right to demand compensation. Alabama statutes on personal injury, for instance, allow only two years for victims to take any legal step. 

You shouldn’t delay in filing a car accident claim. Since witnesses may remember the accident differently over time and evidence may lose their credibility, further delays may undervalue your injuries. Instead of getting crumbs, get your lawyer to work on your claim right away. 

3. Include economic damages to the fold

Being a victim of a reckless driver’s actions, you are not only demanding compensation for property damage and fatal injuries. If the accident caused permanent disability, you will have to factor in economic damages. The state the accident has left you makes it difficult for you to live a normal life. 

Apart from the hefty medical bills and costs for ongoing medication you have to shoulder, you will also suffer from a decrease in your earning capacity. Have your lawyer calculate your potential losses and include the estimate  to your total claim

4. Make changes to your budget and lifestyle

It could take more than a year before you will be able to receive compensation. The first few months after the accident will have to be the most financially difficult months of your life. You may have to pay for post-accident care out of pocket. With this in mind, you might as well make wise money decisions while the claims process unfolds. Come up with a manageable monthly budget and reduce unnecessary expenses. 

You may also have to explore other income-generating options as you continue to pay legal fees and medication costs. Ask your physician for more affordable medicine and government-sponsored support services. It’s temporary, but so long as the claims process is going well, the payout would be more than enough to put you back on track.


Recovering physically, emotionally, and financially from a car crash is possible. As you make every effort to recover physically from the ordeal, keep this guide in mind so you can fully move on!

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Jane writes for Healing Natural Oils, a producer and retailer of high-quality, all-natural treatments for a variety of conditions. After living for many years in Cape Town, South Africa, Jane has now settled in the UK but is able to visit the USA regularly where she has close family. She loves to compare natural treatments and lifestyles – especially in the areas of health, green living and nutrition – in these three very different countries. Her regular posts can be found at www.amoils.com/health-blog.
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