8 Tips to Pass Nicotine Test When Getting a Life Insurance

James Wilson
6 Min Read


It is not a secret that smokers tend to be charged higher life insurance premiums as compared to non-smokers. The reasons for this include a higher chance of illnesses due to smoking tobacco and using similar products.

This begs the question, is there any way to pass nicotine tests successfully to reduce premiums if you are a smoker.

Continue reading to find 8 tips that can help you pass the life insurance nicotine test.

Smoking might be just one of the many factors that insurance providers check before handing out insurance quotes. Other factors might include, chewing tobacco, vape products with tobacco content, e-cigarettes, nicotine patches, nicotine gums and other nicotine substitute products.

Understanding which type of nicotine products will increase your premiums is an important way to curb the use of those products and reduce premiums.

Ask the Insurance Provider Who Classifies As A Non-Smoker

While some insurance providers consider non-smokers as people who have not smoked in the last 5 months or more, other insurers might consider non-smokers as people who have abstained from any nicotine products for a year or more.

Understanding these guidelines will help you decide how long to quit nicotine products for before the test.

Occasional Smokers Might Want To Go Cold Turkey

If your nicotine intake is negligible then going turkey one week before the test is a good option. To be safe, quitting nicotine products two weeks before the test can ensure that at the most trace amounts of nicotine are found in your blood stream.

Detox Your System before the Life Insurance Nicotine Test

The best way to detox your system before the insurance test is to avoid any nicotine products for two weeks or more and in addition, consume plenty of fluids, fresh fruit juices, drinking warm water with lemon in it and herbal teas with ginger and dandelion extracts.

Commercial detox products might not be of much use. Going natural and choose herbal products that you are sure of, is a better practice.

Exercise for At Least Two Weeks Before The Nicotine Test

Exercising results in sweating toxins which also helps in getting rid of nicotine that has built up in the bloodstream. Exercising can also calm your nerves and ensure that you do not feel the need to smoke, chew tobacco or use any other nicotine products before the test.

Choosing an exercise plan that you will stick to is always a better option, as compared to choosing a rigorous exercise plan that you will quit in a few days. Walking, jogging, swimming and cycling are the best ways to get rid of toxins while calming your nerves.

Be Honest On Your Application to Avoid A Penalty

It is required by the law that nicotine users declare their habits honestly to the insurance provider. Failure to do this can result in a bump in premiums on detection of nicotine in the bloodstream as well as the possibility of a rejected insurance application.

Choose Healthy Alternatives to Curb Withdrawal Symptoms

The insurance provider might choose to opt for a test where either mouth swabs are used or blood is collected to know the exact amount of nicotine amount in the system.

If you have decided to pass the test, and you cannot use any nicotine supplements, then chewing on regular chewing gum, cinnamon sticks, apples, other fruits and any edible items can help curb your withdrawal symptoms.

Do Not Switch To Marijuana Unless Permitted By the Insurer

Irrespective of the source of marijuana and if you have a prescription for the substance, many insurance providers do not encourage or permit their policyholders to smoke or inhale this substance.

Ensure to read your policy thoroughly for any mention of this substance and ask questions to your insurance provider when in doubt.

Kick The Butt Once And For All Without Any Ifs and Buts!

Once you pass the nicotine test for life insurance, remember that when your policy is due for renewal, you might have to undergo the tests again. A safer option would be to quit nicotine products once and for all, especially if you want life insurance at cheaper premiums.

Keep in mind that, while some insurers might offer insurance plans for smokers; these plans come at a heavy cost in the form of premiums and policy exclusions.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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