6 Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy from Your Aura

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Negative energy can leave you mentally and physically exhausted. It can come from your surroundings, negative people, or your psyche. To successfully deal with negative energy, you should know the source. Negative energy can also come from self-talk, the flow of unspoken thoughts that run through your mind.

To determine if your aura has negative energy, look out for signs such as being critical of others, complaining a lot, or being unable to sleep. Additionally, negative energy can cause stress, destroying your hormonal balance and impairing your immune system. Here are ways to get rid of energy from your aura.

1. Work on yourself

Self-care should be the first step towards eliminating negative energy from your aura. Consider engaging in regular physical activities and embracing healthy eating habits. You may also meditate or engage in mindfulness practice. In addition, you can get yourself an aura camera and practice aura photography which is good for mental, physical, and spiritual health. Practicing self-care will help you stay nurtured despite negative energies surrounding you.

2. Foster positive energy

Associating with positive people will make you happier, meaning you should rethink your social circle. Although it may not be possible to eliminate all the negative people, finding ways to maintain positive energy when around them will help you fight negativity. Consider fostering meaningful connections with people and build positive, encouraging, and supportive relationships to generate positive energy. Be a good and loyal friend who listens and goes out of their way to nurture and maintain close bonds.

3. Avoid negative self-talk

Negative self-talk may involve not believing in yourself or feeling scared and insecure about something that creates negative energy within you. Try getting past that negative voice in your head that reminds you that you aren’t good enough. Understand how that voice influences how you behave, think, and feel and find ways to overcome it and stay positive. Remind yourself that you’re enough, set goals, and work towards achieving them. Face every challenge head-on instead of letting it bring you down.

4. Chant mantras and positive affirmations

Chanting mantras and positive affirmations is an effective way to cleanse your aura. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and chant mantras and positive affirmations you’re comfortable with. Repeat as many times as necessary or until you start experiencing positivity all around you. Consider doing it regularly to keep away negative energy.

5. Take a healing bath

Taking a bath filled with essential oils, flowers, and healing herbs help you naturally cleanse. Consider adding lavender oil, rose petals, and sea salt to cleanse your aura. Soaking yourself in a salt bath removes lactic acid build-up, relieving your muscles and relaxing to get rid of stress and negativity.

6. Enjoy nature

Going out for a walk to the hills and mountains, forest, and beach can heal your soul and mind. The fresh air, singing birds, and being away from pollution helps you connect with your senses, relax, and get rid of negative energy.


Negative energy can negatively impact your mental, physical, and overall well-being. Use the above tips to get rid of negativity from your aura.

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Aeden Smith-Ahearn is the treatment coordinator for Experience Ibogaine treatment centers in Mexico. After dealing with heroin addiction for over 7 years, Aeden put his last hope into Ibogaine treatment. Now, 5 years later, Aeden has helped thousands of addicts find freedom and sobriety through Ibogaine treatment. He feels overwhelmingly blessed every day to be helping addicts find happiness in life.
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