6 Medical Practice Website Mistakes That Affect Conversion

Jonathan Catley
5 Min Read

When it comes right down to it, your website isn’t simply about your medical practice. It is actually a continuation of your practice. If your website appears unprofessional, cluttered, difficult to navigate, or contains some website blunders, it could cost you in terms of low conversion rates, attraction of new patients, and a poor user experience for your existing patients.

When it comes right down to it, your website isn’t simply about your medical practice. It is actually a continuation of your practice. If your website appears unprofessional, cluttered, difficult to navigate, or contains some website blunders, it could cost you in terms of low conversion rates, attraction of new patients, and a poor user experience for your existing patients. Take note of these six things you should avoid on your website in order for it to match the high-quality medical services you provide.Medical Practice Online Marketing, Medical Website Design, Website Conversion

1) Stock Photographs. Whenever possible, skip stock photographs and opt for high quality (high resolution) photographs of your practice, staff, equipment, and technology you employ in your practice. Staff photographs allow prospective patients an opportunity to connect with you and your staff members before the appointment, which can have a notable positive impact on patient engagement. That said, if you are a new practice, and don’t have high resolutions images, or for that matter, any images at all, stock photos can be used temporarily until you have unique practice photos to showcase.

2) Annoying Audio or Music. Automatic play of music or audio files result can lead to visitors leaving your page altogether. Give website viewers the option of clicking play, should they want to listen to your chosen music while they browse your website. Depending on your type of medical practice, it may be best to avoid audio altogether.

3) Auto Play Videos. Just as music playing automatically encourages visitors to exit your page, video does as well. People want the option to choose to watch videos or not according to where they are, who is nearby, and whether or not they can get the information they want by reading.

4) Stale or Stagnant Blog. Keep your blog updated regularly with the latest research, news, developments, and technology in your medical field. Let web visitors know about milestones within your medical practice and how you can help them improve their lives. Provide a steady stream of new data and information to educate patients about their condition, treatment options, and even how diet, health, and lifestyle choices impact their conditions.


  • a podiatry practice can provide injury prevention tips on their blog.
  • a vein clinic can offer tips to reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.
  • a cosmetic dentistry practice can provide tips to minimize teeth staining on their blog. 

In other words, use your blog as an extension of your practice — an opportunity to add value to the valuable services you already provide.

5) Confusing Navigation. It doesn’t matter how beautifully designed and written your website is if your visitors get frustrated trying to navigate it. Additionally, don’t simply check navigation and specifications on one browser. Check them all. Don’t leave out mobile browsers either. Make your website as user-friendly as possible so that visitors will believe that your practice is that patient focused and friendly as well.

6) Cluttered Layout. The layout on your website must also be free of clutter. Perspective patients want a medical office that’s organized and orderly. A website that isn’t organized and orderly may send the message that this may be a problem in your practice as well.

Your website can be used as a vital marketing tool for your medical practice. However, it acts as so much more than a simple tool, particularly when its optimized well. It’s often your first introduction to potential patients and an authority where existing patients turn for information, advice, and more. Remember this in the design process and beyond.

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