5 Healthy Practices for Women to Stay Fit

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“Change is the only constant”

True indeed! Every day brings a new change in our lives; some we welcome with open arms while dreading the others. Our body also experiences a number of changes with each passing day. These changes are more prominently visible in women than in men. As we age we see how our body changes and tends to acquire a number of problems and diseases, be it osteoporosis, heart diseases, cancer, Alzheimer?s, dementia etc. While we need to give up certain unhealthy habits, there is also a great need to adopt a number of healthy practices to stay fit and live long. Confused about what to do to stay fit and healthy even in your fifties? Here I have shortlisted some very simple yet effective tips for you to maintain your physical as well as mental health. Read on to find out.

  • Choose Your Food Smartly

Food choices differ for every age group. While some food products may boost up your energy, others may be used to cure and protect the body from the attack of life-threatening diseases. Incorporating protein and vitamins in the diet can be a good way to build up the body and maintain the muscles strength. Cut back on those unhealthy food products and prepare a diet chart to stay healthy. Science Talk A research conducted at Harvard School of Public Health threw light on the benefits of adding salads and leafy vegetables in a diet. According to the research, items like Swiss chard, dark lettuce and spinach can protect you from cardiovascular diseases to a large extent.

  • Have A Good Night?s Sleep

Having a good night?s sleep is an antidote to many diseases

. It helps to keep your weight balanced and even avoid the birth of Type 2 diabetes. Sleep deprivation can even be a sign of growing stress and other cognitive problems. When you sleep less, your body gets susceptible to illness as it hinders your body?s natural immunity. Try various methods to get over your insomnia or sleeping disorder to stay fit and healthy. Science Talk Edward Schneider, MD at the Andrus Gerontology Center, University of South California says, “The drop in temperature triggers sleep.” This way you can have a proper sleep and enjoy a healthy life.

  • Exercise to Stay Fit

You obviously need strong bones and muscles at any age; especially in and after the midlife. To stay fit, you need to exercise daily. Regular walk or weight lifting etc may be a great way to enhance the muscle power or bone strength. Women experiencing menopause at this age can also take some time out for workout to tame its dreadful symptoms. Draft out a plan for your exercise and stay healthy always. Science Talk According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people aged between 18 to 64 years of age should take up the habit of doing cardio exercise to boost up your energy levels and enjoy a longer life.

  • Exercise Your Brain Too

Working just on the body and neglecting the brain is not the right way to achieve a good health. Remember, your brain needs exercise too. Keep your brain working even when you cross the fifty?s mark. Playing board games, learning new things, trying neurobics etc can be a great way to exercise the brain and avoid problems like memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer?s. Science Talk Robert S. Wilson, neuro psychologist at Rush University, Chicago, conducted a research to come up with a conclusion that brain?s cognitive activity plays a great role in determining the memory power and limit of cognitive decline in a person after a certain age.

  • Do Your Checkups Right

As the body ages, it tends to become more prone to various diseases and problems. Make frequent visits to the physician to get your body checked and know about any problem beforehand. Visit certified doctors and get your eyes, blood pressure etc tested every now and then. Science Talk Certain tests need to be done at particular intervals. Know them before going for them. Thyroid test should be done every 5 years, Pap tests every 1-3 years, Sigmoidoscopy every 5 years after 50, Mammogram every 1-2 years and Fecal occult blood test every year. Our body is the most precious gift that God has bestowed us with. It is our duty to take care of it, especially when it tends to wear out with age. The 5 essential health tips that I have enlisted above would be a great way to care for your body and make the most of this life at every stage.

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Ankit Gupta, who works for ExportersIndia.com, has gained expertise in writing fitness and health related posts for various portals. Being so much into body health, he is a gym freak by day and an ardent writer by night.
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