Healthcare Moving to the Clouds

Healthcare Moving to the Clouds
Recently, Managed Care Outlook: The Insider’s Business Briefing on Managed Healthcare featured an interview by Attorney Tatiana Melnik of Dickinson Wright with April Sage, Online Tech Director of Healthcare Vertical and Marketing, titled Health Care Moving to the Clouds.
The article discusses the benefits, privacy and security issues concerning cloud computing and healthcare, especially when it comes to adhering to HIPAA compliance (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) while using the services of a cloud provider.
Here’s an excerpt from the opening overview of cloud computing, written by Tatiana Melnik (frequent Online Tech webinar guest speaker):
“For the past few years, the new buzzword in computing has been “cloud computing,” with its promise to generate tremendous cost savings for businesses by, for example, minimizing the need to anticipate hardware, bandwidth, and other technology needs in the annual budget because, “in the cloud,” businesses pay as they go.
With the tremendous cost pressures in health care resulting from an aging population, a shortage in personnel, a downturn in the economy, and an overall consensus that health care is simply “costing too much,” health care companies have not been deaf to the buzz.
While health care business leaders desire to cut costs, they are also concerned about the privacy and security risks posed by cloud computing. In this column, I discuss cloud computing and health care with April Sage from Online Tech, Inc., a cloud computing service provider.”
Read the entire inteview on our site, here, reprinted with permission from Aspen Publishers, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Next Tuesday at 2PM ET, Online Tech will be hosting a webinar on Overcoming Cloud-Based Mobility Challenges in Healthcare. During this session, April Sage of Online Tech and Rich Medis, Co-Founder and CMO of AnyPresence will review the common challenges associated with mobile enablement, and will introduce the new technologies that are empowering healthcare providers to securely engage their patients and practitioners through the mobile channel. Sign up online now and submit your questions in advance!